Blog Archives

Search & Social in 2014: A Year in Review

An update is long overdue. To cover all that happened in marketing this year, I present to you two blog posts I’ve written for the Overdrive Interactive blog. Check out reviews of search and social in 2014!

Posted in Millennial Morph

3 Marketing Lessons from Mad Men

The following post was originally written for Overdrive Interactive‘s blog. You can view the original post here. I thought it would fit in nicely with Millennial Morph’s theme of  evolving marketing methods (and continually highlighting instances of dated marketing tactics). 

Posted in Millennial Morph

Absence is Louder Than Words: Boston Mayor’s AMA

An apology for the lull in posts. I recently started as a social media specialist at the digital marketing agency Overdrive Interactive, and my efforts lately have been focused on their own blog. With that in mind, I’d like to

Posted in Millennial Morph

4 Things to Keep in Mind When Marketing on Facebook

It’s hard to deny Facebook’s immense popularity, especially among Millennials. So it makes sense that if you want to market to that group, Facebook is the best way to reach them. This post by Nanigans (creators of a performance marketing platform)

Posted in Millennial Morph

5 Reasons Why Numbered Lists Are So Appealing

I won’t lie to you. I initially started writing this as a joke (“a numbered list about numbered lists? How meta! This will be hilarious!”). But the more I thought about it, the more I realized there was more to

Posted in Millennial Morph

Check Out My Post For Ramp

I recently created a post for the blog of Ramp, a company that has developed the next generation of search and video experiences to make video valuable . Entitled “4 Ways to Make Your Video Content Super Bowl-Worthy”, it teaches readers how to

Posted in Millennial Morph

3 Reasons Why Old is the New “New”

In an age of rapid technological advancement, it may sound crazy to say that vintage is highly valued. But it is. Our generation bypasses high-quality pictures in favor of the old-fashioned style of Instagram. Hipsters collect vinyl instead of downloading

Posted in Millennial Morph

UPDATE: The Don’t of Social Media and Social Activism

Last week, I wrote about bad tactics when generating social activism through social media. Well, it looks like Millennials aren’t the only ones against these “retweet to help” techniques. Tweeting under the handle @KelloggsUK the cereal company posted ‘1 RT

Posted in Millennial Morph

The Importance of Being Human

Despite what the Supreme Court may say, businesses are not people. Or they’re not in Millennials’ eyes. We came of age in an era where the evil of “the man” was everywhere (Enron, the recession, Super PACs). One of the

Posted in Millennial Morph

Social Media and Social Activism: What Not to Do

We’ve all been there. We’ve all opened up Facebook to a post like the one above. And if you’re like me, you probably cringed. After all, no one wants to see a post implying that a child will starve to

Posted in Millennial Morph