Brave New World

We’re on to you. 
Our generation has been bombarded with different mediums since birth. We’re usually an arm’s length away from a TV, computer or smartphone. And with that comes a deeper understanding of advertising… more than any generation that has come before us.  

So we know when someone’s trying to sell us something. Which makes traditional forms of marketing seem…well…kind of pushy.  

According to the report “What Happens When Millennials Get the Wallet”, our generation is expected to outspend Baby Boomers by 2017. What’s more, it goes on to say that most retailers don’t understand Millennials buying power of their needs.  

For example, the report says Millennials mostly rely on their friends for help making buying decisions. But more than a quarter of surveyed retailers believe that online advertising is the biggest influence on their purchasing behavior.  

In short, Millennials are different, but not every business has caught on to that yet. I’ll highlight which marketing tactics succeed at reaching the Millennial audience, and which ones have failed. I hope that doing so will help cultivate a deeper understanding of the Millennial generation (hopefully before our buying power overtakes the Baby Boomer’s in the near future).  


Posted in Millennial Morph

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Millennial Morph

Welcome to the brave new world of Millennial marketing. How do you engage with this drastically different generation? I'll tell you. How do I know? I'm a Millennial.